Christmas Newsletter 2013

Our holiday opening times:
Mon 23rd December – Normal hours
Tue 24th December – 9am- 4pm
Christmas day – CLOSED
Boxing day – CLOSED
Fri 27th December – Normal hours
Sat 28th December – Normal hours
Mon 30th December – Normal hours
Tue 31st December- 9am- 4pm
New Year’s Day – CLOSED
2nd January – CLOSED
If we are closed and you need to speak to a vet, please phone Pets A&E on 0141 429 3800.
Christmas Poisons
A wee reminder of the things we shouldn’t be feeding our pets:
- Turkey bones
- Chocolate
- Christmas pudding
- Grapes, raisins etc
- Peanuts
- Onions, garlic etc
- Mouldy food eg blue cheese
- Stuffing
- Onion gravy
- Alcohol
Other hazards to be aware of:
- Mistletoe
- Holly & ivy
- Poinsettia
- Non-seasonal plants eg lilies
- Candles
- Silica gel
- Wrapping paper
- String
- Anti-freeze
- Tinsel.
If you suspect your pet has eaten something it shouldn’t have phone us immediately.
Portly Pets Clinic
Remember, an abundance of food over the holidays adds to our waistline. This is also the case for our pets! Dawn & Donna will be running free weight watchers clinics in the New Year, so pop into the surgery one afternoon with your pet for a weigh-in.
Repeat Prescriptions
Is your pet on medication or a special diet? Please ensure you have enough to last over Christmas & New Year as our suppliers will not be making deliveries as often over the holidays.
Christmas Shop
Don’t forget your pets this Christmas! We have stocked some special Christmas-themed presents, as well as our usual treats and toys.
Thank you!
We’d like to thank everyone for their kind cards & gifts. We have enough chocolates & biscuits to last us until summer! Thank you!
New Arrivals!
Smokey the Kitten
On Halloween we were brought in a kitten who was found by a member of the public who was stopped by another driver who told him he had a cat sitting in his wheel arch!
When we saw Smokey he got a full health check and we found him to have burns on all his paws and on his back legs too.
He was very sore but also very brave and even let us soak his feet and put on bandages!
After a few days intense treatment with us, the lovely people at Cat’s Protection took him in to a foster home and managed his burns with a special burns cream and antibiotics.
After two months recovery we’re pleased to say his feet have healed brilliantly and he moved in to his new “Forever” home.
Even after all his treatment he still loves a cuddle and a pose for the camera. Good luck in your new home Smokey and I’m sure your new family will love you as much as we do!
TEL: 0141 445 6869
See all News, Newsletters | December 23, 2013 | 10:05 pm