FEBRUARY/MARCH 2014 Newsletter

Campbell & Galloway’s Paws for a Cause
Campbell and Galloway are organising a sponsored dog walk to help raise money for the SSPCA. If you would like to take part, register in the practice and collect your sponsor pack today!
Pollok Country Park
Sunday 8th June 2014
Registration at Riverside car park from 12pm
Walks start at around 1.15pm
Suggested entry donations are:
Dogs £2.50 Adults £5
Under 16s £2.50
Payment due when collecting sponsorship pack
There are two walks. A longer 5km for the more able dogs and owners and a shorter 1km for the less able, so there’s no excuse not to join in!
For those who cannot take part but would still like to donate we have set up a just giving page www.justgiving.com/CampbellGalloway or you can donate at the surgery.
If you do not have a dog but would still like to join in please come walk it with us!
We currently have a student Veterinary Nurse, Eilidh, from Edinburgh Napier University. Eilidh originally comes from Aberdeen, but has lived in Glasgow for a few years. You might also meet her dog Bertie. Eilidh will be with us until April. Welcome Eilidh!
Thinking about fleas makes everyone itchy! Unfortunately, we have seen a number of flea infestations in the past few weeks. Fleas are picked up from other domestic pets through direct contact, or in houses where fleas or flea eggs may be present. Flea eggs can remain dormant for years until vibration and heat (central heating can be a favourite!) causes them to hatch. Fleas can also be picked up outside or while on walks, especially in areas where other pets or wildlife are found. Fleas are the most common parasite in cats and dogs and every pet is likely to be infected at some stage in its life. However, with the advent of modern products it is possible to prevent fleas from becoming a problem in your household.
Only the adult flea lives on you pet; the early stages live in the environment e.g. your carpet, between floorboards, under skirting boards. For every flea you see on your pet’s fur, there may be hundreds waiting to bite your pet, or you.
Ticks are commonly found in areas of tall grass, or woodland. Unlike flea infestations, there are no obvious signs of tick infestation, other than the presence of the parasites and the reaction of the skin to a bite. The adult ticks, after they have engorged on blood, can be seen on the skin. They are light grey, bean shaped and sometimes are mistaken for warts. They can potentially transmit Lyme disease.
Ask a member of the team to recommend a preventive flea/ tick treatment to suit your pet’s lifestyle:
Frontline Combo: This is a topical spot on treatment that can be used on dogs and cats, from 8 weeks old. Frontline combo kills adult fleas on your pet, inhibits the development of eggs and larvae, which prevents contamination of the pet’s environment for up to 8 weeks. Frontline combo also kills ticks & biting lice on dogs. For prevention of fleas apply once every 8 weeks, and monthly for ticks.
Advantix: – This is a spot on treatment that can only be used on dogs. It is used for the treatment and prevention of fleas; and kills and repels ticks. One treatment prevents flea and tick infestation for 4 weeks. It can be used on puppies from 7 weeks.
This product is extremely poisonous to cats and can kill them if they lick it off the dog before the product has dried.
It is also dangerous to aquatic organisms so treated dogs cannot be allowed into any type of water for at least 48 hours after treatment.
Advocate: This is a spot on treatment that can be used on dogs, cats and ferrets. It treats many parasites as well as fleas including lice, ear mites, mange, heartworm, lungworm, hookworms, whipworms and roundworms. Advocate does not treat tapeworm or ticks. It can be used on puppies from 7 weeks. One treatment prevents further flea infestation for 4 weeks. Dogs should not be allowed to swim for up to 4 days post treatment.
Indorex household spray: This aerosol is an insecticide, and is used to rid the home environment of a flea infestation. The spray kills adult fleas in the environment and inhibits flea larva or eggs developing into adult fleas. It also kills house dust mites, which can be a common cause of allergies in pets and owners. We normally recommend treating the pet’s home environment, along with treating the pet, in cases of flea infestations. This is to prevent the fleas living in the house to re-infect the pet or vice versa.
There are offers available on Frontline Combo, please contact us to find out more!
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) state that we must be seeing our patients on long-term medication every 3 months. To ensure we are keeping to the RCVS regulations we need to check every prescription that we hand out with a vet. We also do not keep all medications in stock. If you need more medication please call to order it in advance so that it can be checked, dispensed and ready and waiting for you.
TEL: 0141 445 6869
See all News, Newsletters, Uncategorized | March 6, 2014 | 6:02 pm