November 2014 Newsletter

Here are a few hints & tips to help you prepare for Fireworks season:
- Keep you pet inside when fireworks are being let off
- Stay with your pet if possible
- Act normal & stay calm (pets pick up on our anxiety)
- Make a den that your pet can hide in
- Close the curtain to keep out bright flashes
- Turn on TV/ radio to drown out loud bangs
- Play with a favourite toy to keep pet entertained
- Find your dog a “brave friend”- being with a dog that isn’t scared can make a nervous dog braver
- Cover outdoor hutches/ pens and provide extra bedding to drown out noise/ make a den
- Remember to NEVER punish/ scold your pet.
For more information please visit or call us 0141-445-6869 to chat more about fireworks and what you can do to help your pet.
PCP Patients
PCP OFFER for September/ October / November:
- 10% Off all Stress Management Products
PCP packs for September are now ready for collection! (Some July & August packs have still to be collected too!)
Blue-Green Algae
Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) is a microscopic bacteria found in inland waters such as ponds & lakes. The algae gives the water a blue-green appearance.
Dogs that swim in ponds, lakes, burns etc are at risk. The signs of algae poisoning vary, but include:
- weakness
- lethargy
- pale mucous membranes (colour of gums)
- jaundice
- bloody diarrhoea or
- black faeces
- vomiting
- abnormal breathing
- seizures
- disorientation
- coma
- death
Even small exposure to the algae, e.g. a few mouthfuls of contaminated water, could be fatal.
Death usually occurs within days of exposure, which is why it is important to contact your vet immediately after suspected exposure. Unfortunately, there is no antidote to the toxins at present.
If you suspect exposure to blue-green algae:
- bathe immediately if only skin exposure (wear protective clothing- gloves/ apron)
- contact vet (who may wish to induce vomiting to be on safe side)
Many parks have signs indicating affected waters, but we advise that all ponds/ lakes should be avoided at present. We know that water in Pollok Park, Elder Park, Maxwell Park are affected.
If you suspect water is affected, please report this to local council/ park ranger.
Please contact us in event of suspected exposure on 0141 445 6869. Out of hours please contact Pets A&E on 0141 429 3800.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) say that we must be seeing our patients on long-term medication every 3 months. Sometimes we can advise you to see one of our nurses, at the free clinics they run if your pet has been well. Although every other visit your pet will need to see a Vet. As you can appreciate every patient will have different needs and this will not always apply. To ensure we are keeping to the RCVS regulations we need to check every prescription that we hand out with a
Vet. If you need more medication please call to order it in advance so that it can be checked and dispensed ready and waiting for you.
Charlie, the Havana has found a new home! Although his mum will miss him lots, she is happy he has found such a great new home. Thanks to everyone who helped and good luck to Charlie’s mum in the future!
Due to a fire in the building behind Pets A&E they have had to move premises for the foreseeable future if not permanently. They are now located at:
The Pet Empawrium
2 Glenburn Road
East Kilbride
G74 5BA
The contact number at the moment is the same 0141-429-3800.
Pet Therapy is closed for the next few weeks until a new premises open in Kinning Park.
We will keep you updated with any changes and our answer phone will always be up to date with information for the out of hours vet.
TEL: 0141 445 6869
See all News, Newsletters | November 4, 2014 | 9:18 am